Preparing for CEO Transition: The vital role of communication
By Jayne Foster - CEO, Ethos Academy Trust
Ethos Academy Trust is entering a period of change as it prepares for a new CEO for the first time since its formation in 2018. As the founding CEO of the trust, and having spent almost 20 years in leadership roles within the academies that are…
APSEND Chair Mark Vickers on Ofsted Talks podcast
We were delighted that APSEND's Chair, Mark Vickers, was recently invited onto the official Ofsted Podcast, 'Ofsted Talks' to talk about what high quality AP look like in practice, and the importance of Alternative Provision in the wider education system. Mark was joined by Jo Fisher, Chair of the…
APSEND in conversation with the DfE at the inaugural SEND and Inclusion conference
By Mark Vickers MBE, Chair of the APSEND Network
On Wednesday 13th March, the APSEND national network for CEOs was delighted to support the inaugural SEND and Inclusion conference hosted by two strong MATs: TEAM Education Trust, led by APSEND Executive member Sarah Baker, and Triumph Academy…
Reflecting on the statutory guidance for children who cannot attend school because of health needs
By Jim Bowyer, CEO The Skylark Partnership
Listening to the obituaries of Sir Tim Brighouse, it was not surprising to hear that as a child he had been ‘school phobic’ at his first secondary school and successful at his second. Listening to him at any conference was always uplifting and it…
How we set up our trust: A TEAM approach to collaborative working
By Sarah Baker, CEO TEAM Education Trust
We created TEAM Education Trust in 2017 after struggling to find a Trust we aligned to. At Stubbin Wood, we knew that we wanted to be part of a trust that would give us the flexibility to continue our outward facing work with schools around SEND and…
Reflections on the last year as an APSEND MAT CEO
By Jayne Foster, CEO, Ethos Academy Trust
The first half of the autumn term has been both extremely busy and incredibly rewarding at Ethos Academy Trust. During the last academic year, we not only welcomed a new AP Academy into the trust, but we also opened a brand new large SEMH…
The APSEND MAT CEOs network - who we are
By Mark Vickers MBE, Chair APSEND MAT CEO network, CEO Olive Academies
The APSEND MAT CEO’s network was created informally during the first covid lockdown in 2020 as a way for MAT CEO’s working in AP and SEND to share experiences, crisis responses, and to disseminate and discuss the…