Latest News
27 February 2024
APSEND National MAT CEO network becomes a CiC
The APSEND National MAT CEOs network is delighted to announce that work on its legal status has been completed and it is now a Community Interest Company. We are excited about the opportunities that this new status will bring the network and our members.
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28 January 2024
APSEND national network for MAT CEOs - new website and social media launched
We are delighted to finally launch our new website and associated social media accounts.
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The APSEND National Network for MAT CEOs was formed in 2019 to create a supportive forum for the leaders of specialist Multi Academy Trusts (MATs), whilst also providing a collective voice and strategic representation for the sector.
The membership is currently comprised of around 50 CEOs, who represent a variety of specialist (and mixed) MATs from across the country.
The main focus of the network is to:
- Provide support to members on an ongoing basis.
- Strive to be a strong collective voice for the specialist sector.
- Work strategically and proactively with national bodies such as the DfE, Ofsted and the ESFA to provide ‘real time’ sector perspectives when required.